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I use a unique style of healing and channeling to enhance the expression of one’s soul, and to create soul expansion, allowing clients to birth new aspects of themselves. I do this as a guide and conduit, using reiki, soul reading, and channeling. In a warm and supportive way, I open the space for clients to know themselves more deeply, in order to heal the past, allow acceptance, and have an effect on those around them, as well as the collective. I am a Master Level Reiki Practitioner, having received my first Usui Holy Fire attunement in 2006. I love working with all clients that are ready to fully embrace life. This work brings accelerated healing and connection on many levels. I am a mother of two radiant souls, a forever student, a dancing woman, and a New Moon Circle Leader for the Wild Woman Project. Additionally, I have completed studies at The Quiet Heart School of Healing Arts and The Aisling School, am certified in White Lotus Healing, and have received training in the Akashic Records and Seraphim Quantum Healing.

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